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Filter by device:

Nokia N95 8GB

Netmeter internet test
Internet download speed: 1096 kbps (137 KB/sec transfer rate)
Internet upload speed: 256 kbps (32 KB/sec transfer rate)

MIDP 2.0 CLDC 1.1

Canvas info
240x320 at 16777216 colors available to KVM

Total memory
516992 bytes

Free memory
31184 bytes

Max memory alloc
not tested

RMS speedometer
RMS Size: 511 kb
RMS read speed: 70 kb/sec
RMS write speed: 35 kb/sec

Would you like to get more information about the meaning of this APIs?
Note: Newer version of FPC Bench supplies coherent results with previous version.
Netmeter results may vary depending on network operator in use or its load factor.


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